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Interactive art for all


Interactive Art bridging up at a deepest level all age groups and angles of perception, becomes the foundation for our humanity, knowledge and creativity.

It engages children, adults and professionals within a direct dialogue, giving to everyone a sense of identity, a comforting recognition. It belongs to the community and, as a priority, to health establishments and practitioners. Auctions  within art exhibitions and concerts to the benefit of funding health research or practice, the setting of  interactive hospital galleries online with a link with Turbinegeneration from Tate Modern and all others throughout the world  must be set up, to reach a  very wide public as a prior sponsor. A response, through articles from all health practitioners also forms the most vital way to monitor this research in action. They must become our new wide public of art critics. As Einstein claimed, art is nothing without science and science is nothing without art.

Artists are to be invited as independent outsiders, to bring their unique authentic, artistic and human experience with the help of medical and art therapists and all other medical staff. At every step, with galleries online and exhibitions supported by schools, local, national museums, galleries, schools of music as well various associations, art brings to all patients a most positive experience, an integration with life, beyond hospital walls.

Publications  in which established writers, and visual arts professionals, invite all young  children , adolescents as co authors  becomes also a constant recognition for all parties involved as well as a source of funding to the health sector. The development of a spontaneous drawing culture beyond schools doors, beyond hospital doors (with the assistance of a lucida camera, for example)  is vital for all, freeing us from  the dangers of a virtual world brought by modern technology.


Interactive art is about the architecture of our heart, sharing creativity with solidarity. It is about discovering art through a freedom of expression and a variety of techniques, alternately ( see article : architecture from the heart).




. Béatrice Cofield,

Founder of Young Masters of arts-Jeunes Maîtres des Arts.

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