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Illustration of the concept

 A l’ombre de mon regard d’enfant :

In the shade of my glance of children




  In this paint(painting) the child looks at us by far, and this quiet glance carries(wears) so many questions on the outside world. Lucas, 10-year-old throws(plans) in all his(her) forms and colors, a moose(run-up) towards the future, the strength of freedom. This strength tears in a glistening of sensibility with a whole range of tones soft and sink, of doubts and enjoyments. This clearing is also rich in dreams as in presence in an instant present. This image is a refuge: in the heart of scatterbrained fires(lights) of shadows and lights, we feel there nevertheless, sheltered and in peace.

 A universe of pure energy and structured forms overlaps in a universe of dark and soft colors drilled by some brightness of light. And the foliage of this forest becomes a starry sky .Elle reflects the mystery of the being and the magic of the childhood. The composition of Mister Walter Fabeck inspired by the environment of Bouzy La Forêt is also reflected about it with the same tone of feelings. This work represents a dialogue so deep between the music and the image, between the child and the adult, a language beyond the words and the hearts.

 Mister Walter Fabeck dedicated all his work to this fusion(merger) between the sound, the emotion and the movement. If I was able in a way to answer his(her,its) music, I am so happy to find in all the paints(paintings) of the children, the echos so beautiful, so deep, so poetic where each, beyond the universality of this musical dialogue finds, defines its child's identity, a space full of love and hope. This paint(painting) vibrates of the spontaneity of the hand of the child carried(worn) by the music or its memory(souvenir). Weaved by emotion, she(it) is alive, a work of full art. It is remarkable that so many superimposing(overlapping) of forms, colors, shadows and lights can be carried out(achieved), balanced so spontaneously.

 Mister Walter Fabeck exaggerates by no means by naming(appointing) these musical compositions of important moments in our will to seize the keys of the creativity and to open doors. These works are the tribute that we owe to him(her) for his(her) dedication for the children and the magnificent music whom he(it) dedicated them. They are also the tribute which we owe to the sensibility of our children.

Every group throws(plans) an identity of group, a deep link between all his(her) members as well as the uniqueness of all his(her) members. So, during the music festival in 2009 to Bouzy La Forêt, the paint(painting) of group created by children from 6 to 18 years old, in answer to the mister Walter Fabeck's musical improvisation, reflects a mirror identical but very different from creations of the meetings of 2010. In a similar tone of emotion, the same music opened the doors of infinite variations. All become the mirror of this magic moment, of balance, peace of contact with the intuition, the fund(collection) of the ocean of the emotion, with the being.



 The art is good a dialogue with one and with the other one, the mirror to be widened to him(her,it) by our interaction with the others and our environment. If we redraw our history(story), while affixing marks(brands), by creating symbols, we embodied our will to communicate, to investigate beyond ourselves. We created so many musics, languages, writings, different images and however intrinsically bound(connected).

 To create by coding our universe by marks(brands) gives us an answer, an objective, reassuring, eternal evidence of identity, existence. Carried(worn) freely by the breath, the rhythm of our feelings, our breath, we are aware(conscious) and we measure this emotion by the gesture(movement), by these marks(brands). This consciousness calms and throws(plans) us freed(released) from fears on so many side roads, connotations, comparisons, in the universe of the imagination. The music opens this first door on an infinite space. She(It) conveys so many feelings, she(it) lifts(raises), soaks(fills) with life all our being. These drawings are a musical writing, an invented language so precise as far as the emotion that a mathematical language. 

 The perception(collection) of the rhythm of the forms and the representation;

 Alternately, the children have to listen to the music then take refuge in the silent world of the image to travel between these two dimensions and find theirs there.


In these studies inspired by Rousseau and their forest, the children of Bouzy, did not listen to music but thought of the strength of the wind which livens up(leads) sheets(leaves) and glistenings of light. And around this powerful breath which crosses their painting(cloth), they have intuitively and freely organized a multitude of transparencies, details, contrasts, marks(brands). All, without exception, have create a rhythmical, rich and well-balanced universe.

 The expression thus precedes the technique and accelerates its control(master's degree).


Listen to or think of the music

In our first illustration, we perceived(collected) the following three phenomena:

    - A contemporary music, consisted by Mister Fabeck and named Flight in Strange where the glance rises slowly over a big city then gets lost in an infinite horizon from everywhere and also glances through received abstract and structured forms of very high on the ground was perfectly seized by all the groups of children in different but similar abstract codes; this precision in the description of the invisible invites us to think that the emotion contained in sounds, rhythm is spontaneously measured by the child through the line and the color,

    - A music more représentationnelle, consisted by Mister Walter Fabeck by thinking of the forest and the village of bouzy, inspired works among which the shivers of shade(shadow) and light, the presence of animals, birds reflect well the soft tone and certain structures of this composition;


- The works consisted by children who had composed a few months before abstract arts by listening to some music and who this time, without listening to any music, thought of the strength of the wind and the colors of the autumn, so creating their internal music, vibrate beautiful harmonies of colors with less swiftness in the shape but the beautiful balance.

 All these approaches are enriching and, it is the alternation, the interaction between diverse forms of expression that we have to encourage.




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